Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Vision K-12 Students Today by BJ Nesbitt


  1. this video is showing us the world is turning in to an internet based world and we need to adapt to technology

  2. This video shows us how we learn by doing and we do more through the technology. It also shows how we would be more successful learning through the technology which is already enveloping our society

  3. this video made me think a little. i believe in the lasting efficiency of the "traditional methods of teaching" however i do find that the use of technology has the potential to become a very potent teacher.i like how they introduced the concept of "i'm a 21st century learner" as opposed to a visual learner or an oral learner. but one of my few concerns is the use technology for teaching not relating to entertainment. to put it simply will children- especially as young as the featured kids in the video- be able to focus their energy from the technology to things like tests and things that are slower. for example: there is a toy/teaching game called leapster frog ( or any other technology related teaching device)that teaches kids math and reading and writing. for children who are entering kindergarten or first or second grade, it is my assumption (which is not based on studies) that the children will find written work boring and uninteresting to the point where most of there academia is taught through computers and they may not be given the opportunity to learn certain skills they will definitely need in the real world. maybe teaching using technology should be held off until the kids are at an age where they can fully appreciate and process the use of technology without the distraction of entertainment.
    *note: i use entertainment for lack of a better word because in traditional teaching we played games teaching us abc's and life skills but the kind of entertainment that technology offers is at a whole new distracting level

  4. This video really got me thinking. i found this video very intersting. The information that they were giving was every true. Technology is really taking over the world.I enjoyed this video.

  5. I think this video shows a major issue in America's educational system. Although traditional teaching techniques are effective, we also need to accept the fact that we have rapidly become a technology based world. Children today spend a huge amount of time using technology, such as the computer, cell phone, and television. The more we incorporate these devices into the way we learn and teach, the better our results will be.

  6. this video showsnus how us how to be be on the internet in a very safe way that will keep us from harm, but many people aren't being safe on internet and can cause risks and things can happen, the internet can be very dangerous because now people can track you super easily and everyones information is on the internet so what this video is doing is keeping us aware of the dangers that can happen on the internet so its important to be aware of this.

  7. This video is actually pretty interesting. Sometimes I wondered why do I have to remember vocabulary words and things like that just to forget them and move on with my life. Most of the things I know and have learned can all be found on the internet and if teaching could be based on the internet maybe this country would be a little smarter.

  8. this video was very good it going to help me past this class this year.i understand the impoetants of the computer.its alot of things in the world that can happen on the computer.but this video can be alittle smarter.this video is explan with the people in the world how to mangag the computer

  9. this video is cool beacuse it made understand how vocabulary is very importnat

  10. This video is trying to teach us about the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic world. How it benefits us and maybe how it could destroy us.

  11. this video has inspired me to become a better leaner and to pay attention in class. It's brought my mind to a whole new level. I now see that the computer can widen your vocabulary to a verity of words and the world

  12. GREAT VIDIEO this video is also cool because it showed me how much we text blog use the computer and all that stuff and how we need to cut down on using the cumputer etc.

  13. This is the cut off for full credit!!!!! 9/8/11

  14. This is A Great Video. in a couple years from today there is gonna be jobs that havent existed yet and that teachers should focus on not only the traditional teachings but also teach about the internet & Technology. Childrens today spent hours on technology so if we take the boring out of learning children would learn more, cause fun. :)

  15. This video in my oppinion was accurate. I think that technology should be used in the past because now days we have the advantage people in the past didn't have a now our childrens children will hopefully have a more advanced version of technology.

  16. I think this video really opened my eyes and to think that it really matters because alot of people these days use the computer(technology)and that it really sucks that parents dont monitor there kids computer use.I also think that alot of kids dont have the skills into doing big things.I also think that alot of people go off of false information on the Internet and use that and think that its an advantage but its really not.
